Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blog Tour: Harley (In The Company of Snipers) by Irish Winters

Sometimes, only the heart remembers… He’s in the fight of his life… Suddenly back in Iraq, US Army Corporal Harley Mortimer searches for the men he left behind. He finds himself lost in a world where guilt never lets go and nothing seems real. Dead men talk and die over and over again. There is no peace or rest. Only war. Only despair. Only—didn’t he survive this exact scenario once before? And who the hell is Judy? She is a force to be reckoned with… Judy O’Brien’s future is planned and perfect until Harley, the man she intends to marry, goes missing. Mysteriously, Kelsey Stewart disappears the same day. He and Kelsey have a shared history, but do they love each other—that way? Worse, is he the murderer the FBI claims he is? Judy must come to grips with the man she thought she knew. And all of his secrets…

 This was my first experience with this author's writing style and I find that I really liked how she incorporated the characters from previous stories to make it one big book of never ending excitement.

Our hero is known as Harley and from the beginning this man grabbed my attention, as not only does he suffer PTSD, he also suffers from amnesia following involvement in an accident. His flashbacks of what he thought was going on brought me to tears multiple times. I can not imagine experiencing that at all times and not even being able to remember a very important person, it would drive me crazy.
Judy O'Brien is our heroine suffering such a heartache that is hard to read at times, you will find yourself being sucked into the story deeper and deeper. Harley is her fiancee and due to the wreck he doesn't remember her, although she understands it, doesn't make it hurt any less.
This book is addictive from start to finish. The action, the characters, the plot, everything was spot on and adrenaline inducing, definitely the rainbow of emotion you would expect with a story of this type.
There was one part that I really thought I wasn't going to be able to make it through, but after several attempts I managed to work through my own personal feelings and finished the book. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with the way it was written, but it hit too close to home as I found myself thinking of my own personal loss and it was hard to work through. With that being said, the fact that it hit me as hard as it did shows you how phenomenal this author's writing is.
The happily ever after we get was a beautiful sight to see and when I finished this book all I could do was sit and reflect on all that I read and finally came to the conclusion...WOW! JUST WOW!
I can't wait for others to get the chance to read this continuance of this series. I know you won't be disappointed.
Review by Tammy

The wife of one handsome husband and the mother of three perfect sons, Irish divides her time between writing at home and travelling the country with her man while - writing. (Seriously, what else?) She believes in making every day count for something and follows the wise admonition of her mother to, "Look out the window and see something!" To learn more about Irish and her books, please visit www.IrishWinters.com.
Irish Winters is an award-winning author who dabbles in poetry, grandchildren, and rarely (as in extremely rarely) the kitchen. More prone to be outdoors than in, she grew up the quintessential tomboy on a farm in rural Wisconsin, spent her teenage years in the Pacific Northwest, but calls the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah home. For now.
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September 15th Kristin Holt – Review/Guest Post  September 16th The Pleasure of Reading Today – Review  September 16th ~ TBA  September 17th My Secret Bookspot – Review/Top Ten  September 17th Cabin Goddess – Guest Post   September 18th Fangirlish – Interview/Guest Post  September 18th ~ TBA  September 19th Jen's Reading Obsession – Review (Series)  September 19th Reads All The Books – Review (Series)

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting and participating. So happy you loved HARLEY. xx

