Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cover Reveal: Bait by M. Mabie

Coming this Summer…



He was trouble from the start, but I couldn't resist.
She was the best kind of trouble. The kind that was so wrong, it felt right.
I’ve tried and failed to stay away from him.
I’ve done everything in my power to make her mine and keep her.
He’s almost impossible to say no to.
She never tells me yes.
We’re always fighting.
When we’re not fighting, we’re… well… making up.
He makes me laugh so hard.
I miss her laugh the most.
I'm a liar.
She knows the truth, but won’t admit it.
Sometimes, I wish I'd never met him.
I wish we could meet all over again. I'd do better.
His sweet girlfriend knows.
The guy she’s with is a fool.
I’ll never love anyone like I love him.
She doesn’t love me enough to choose us.
It was the wrong place.
It was the wrong time.
It should have been him.
It will always be her.


Add Bait (The Wake Series, Pt.1) to your TBR on Goodreads:

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M. Mabie lives in Illinois, NOT Chicago, with her husband. She is the author of Fade In, a contemporary romance novel; and loves writing for Fifty5Cents Book Blog, which she owns and operates, usually poorly.
She cares about politics, but won’t discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head.
M. Mabie has never been accused of being tight lipped or shy. She’s THAT girl.
(She doesn't usually speak in third-person, but surprisingly does when she's weirded-out about writing her bio.)

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