Title: Something More
Author: Jenna Tyler
Release Date: April 11, 2014
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Author: Jenna Tyler
Release Date: April 11, 2014
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Packing up and leaving behind all she's ever known, she eagerly ventures out in search of what the world, outside of this dull town, has in store for her.
When she first encounters Andrew Chambers, a mysteriously sexy and seemingly wealthy stranger, she doesn't think she will ever stand a chance with someone like him. Little does she know just how wrong she is or how fierce an attraction the two of them would immediately share. Although, lavish attention and on-demand orgasms are not something she's going to complain about, the speed and intensity with which Andrew pursues her is almost more than she can handle.
Rebecca Michaels wanted an adventure, but the one that awaits her isn't necessarily what she had in mind.

“We are going to go to a scenic spot, as I said. But it's a little further up the hill. We will have to walk from here. You might want to put your other shoes back on.” I frown. I don't want to put those things back on. My feet are happy being out of shoes. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh.
Reaching into the back seat, I find my shoes and socks. They are still sweaty. Note to self…bring extra socks next time. “Ugh. This is gross.” He laughs a little. Scrunching up my face in disgust, I pull on my sweaty socks and I just want to gag. It feels so nasty. I get my shoes on and look at him, all gorgeous and perfect. It's not fair.
“Come. I'm excited for you to see this.”
My brain lingers on that first word for a moment. Get your mind out of the gutter, Becca.
We head up the hill and through the trees, hand-in-hand. It makes me smile. I follow his lead around rocks and limbs. I can hear the ocean below. It sounds so serene and beautiful. The sound seems to get closer as we continue on. About twenty minutes into our little hike, the trees seem to part and there before me is the most magical view. My breath hitches. “Oh my. This is absolutely breathtaking.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that he is looking at me and not the scene before us. I want to look at him, but I can't take my eyes off of the view. “How did you ever find this?” I vaguely hear him smile. At least, I think that's what it was.
“I came across it on one of my hikes. I sometimes hike off the path and this is what I found. I come here once in a while to relax or think. No one ever bothers me here.” I tear my eyes away from the view to look for a spot to sit and maybe a tree to lean back against.
Drew sees what I'm looking for so he ushers me over to a spot and we sit down together. It’s the perfect spot. He puts his arm around me and pulls me in close. I fight the urge to rest my head on his chest because I don't want to skew my view. Instead, I place my hand on his leg and just lean in. “Thank you for bringing me here. It's perfect,” I whisper.
“The pleasure is all mine, Rebecca.”
After what seems like hours, I think my butt has fallen asleep so I shift. Yep, it's numb and tingly. Ouch. I grimace and lean over and rub it. Drew looks down at me with a grin. “Problem?”
I look up at him with a scrunched up nose. “Er. Yeah. My butt's asleep and it hurts.”
He chuckles. “Well, we can't have that now, can we? Do you need help waking it up?” he says with a wicked smirk. I roll my eyes at him, although the thought of him rubbing my backside does sound appealing.
“Maybe not this time. Walking back to the truck should help get some life back into it.” He stands and offers his hand to help me up. I take it and he pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. There's nothing like his touch to make me forget everything. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him in tighter. Our lips part and our tongues find each other once again. A little moan escapes me as our tongues find a rhythm. It suddenly hits me that I do not want to have sex on a first date... or maybe even on the second date. I have to stop this kiss or I will be having sex here in the bushes, with a numb butt, in broad daylight.
I pull away, panting and breathless, stepping back several feet. He is in the same state I'm in, but he seems a little confused. “Sorry,” I say. “If we continue like that, I might end up doing things I'm not quite ready to do. I just don't think sex on the first date is my cup of tea.” He smiles and steps towards me like he wasn't done. I hold out my arm to stop his approach. His smile gets wider. Oh my. He's so fucking gorgeous.
“Did you hear what I said?” I ask firmly. Drew continues to approach me. “I'm serious, Drew. Do I need to go get my pepper spray?” I question, only half joking.
He stops, arms up as if to surrender. “Okay. I'll stop…for now. But I can tell that you want more.”
I flush. “Maybe so, but not tonight. Not on a first date. I'm not a tramp.”
“I wouldn't think any less of you, but I can feel this pull between us. It's not a normal feeling people have and you are an extraordinary woman. There is no way I could ever think of you as a tramp.”
I smile shyly. “Thank you, but I would still feel better if we waited, at least until tomorrow,” I challenge.
He raises his eyebrows, and then twists his expression to a wicked one. My core twitches at the thought of what he could do to me. I raise an eyebrow at him. We laugh and head back to the Hummer, hand-in-hand. As has become customary, he opens the door for me and I settle in. I watch his smooth movements as he walks around to his side. He hops in and starts the truck, getting the air blowing. He looks over at me with a look on his face. Frustration?
“Tomorrow, huh?” he teases, and we chuckle again.
“Well, I can't give you all the goods in one day, Mr. Chambers. I have to give you something to look forward to. Thrill of the chase and all that.” He grins and leans over to kiss me again, just a quick one this time.
“Oh, I think there is plenty to look forward to, Ms. Michaels. Plenty.” With a childish grin on his face, he puts his arm across the back of my seat and turns to look out the back window to back out. He pulls out of the lot and we head back to the interstate.

- My first book boyfriend was Edward Cullen. I hadn’t read a book in about 15 years before my daughter insistently persisted that I read Twilight. Once I started, I couldn’t put them down. I read them all in 5 days and then reread them a week later. It opened up a whole new world for me. I started out all vampy going from Vampire Diaries to Sookie Stackhouse to every other vampire book I could get a hold of. I still love my vamps. And then came 50. That was the series that put smut on my radar and I haven’t looked back since. (I crave Gavin)
- Reality TV...well TV in general, but reality TV is a lifeline. I was raised watching TV and my mom is more addicted to it than I am (apparently it’s possible). I seriously watch tons of it.
- To go along with #3, I’ve watched every season of The Real World (except one...Cancun) from the very beginning and still watch them and the challenges. (I <3 CT)
- I missed my calling to be a healthcare provider. I should’ve been a doctor or RN. I love it and am quite knowledgeable in it. I should download a diploma and just call myself a doctor. That’ll work right? I often wonder if some of the doctors these days did that.
- I eat peanut butter (with syrup) on my pancakes, waffles, and French toast. If you haven’t tried this, YOU MUST! Now my kids won’t eat them any other way.
- I have 5 tattoos and have at least 5 more I want to get. And my tramp stamp needs a touch-up while my ankle probably needs a complete cover up. Also, I got my first one when I was 17. Can you say illegal? Whoops. My bad.
- I’m usually honest...sometimes to a fault and sometimes a little too harsh.
- I met some of my favorite people online (and some I’d rather forget)
- I’m so much cooler online. In person, I’m shy, usually quiet, and sometimes awkward. Unless I know you, then it’s game on.
- I won’t lend out my actual books for fear of them getting bent, scratched, etc. A hurt book is a sad book. But I will lend out Eat, Pray, Love (was good to read once, not worth a reread)...go figure.
- I’m double-jointed *wink wink*
- The number 413 (my birthday) is weaved throughout my life in different ways. It is MY number and I see it everywhere...usually daily. If you pay attention, you’ll notice it in my books in some form or fashion.

I'm currently writing another novel and short story for an anthology.
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