Monday, June 2, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Intern (Vol. 2) by Brooke Cumberland

My cock noticed her before I did. She came out of nowhere. Completely unexpected.
And I let her in…unwillingly. But she gave me no choice. She sledgehammered my thick walls, leaving me charmed by her knowledge, and seduced by her beauty. I was captivated.
And now…it was about to tumble down in a tsunami of lies. Uncertainty riveted my core as my anger spread…she was impossible to forget. After all, she was still my intern.
Forbidden. Lust. Betrayal.
I felt all of those things for her at once. But only one would destroy us.

About The Author

Brooke Cumberland is a USA Today Bestselling author who's a stay-at-home mom and writes full-time. She lives in the frozen tundra of Packer Nation with her husband, 3 year old wild child, and two teenage stepsons. When she's not writing, you can find her reading love stories, listening to music that inspires her, and laughing with her family. Brooke is addicted to Starbucks' Caramel Macchiatos, yoga pants, and sweets. She found her passion for telling stories during winter break one year in grad school--and she hasn't stopped since.

You can find Brooke on Facebook, Twitter, and on her website.
Twitter @blcumberland

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