Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blog Tour: Marking Him by Elena M. Reyes

Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services

  Synopsis The day Maya Owens walked into his tattoo shop, everything Talan knew changed. After officially starting a relationship, he is now having trouble managing Maya—a woman who consumes every part of his being and owns his heart. His need to control her and everything around her drives Maya insane, but he has good reason. After all, Janice is still lurking around and she has a vendetta against his Bitty. In no time Talan wants more, and it’s faster than Maya can handle; things begin to get complicated. Months of frustration and want take them for a ride neither wanted, but now yearn for. Will they make it through the turbulence? And if so, at what cost?
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Erotica
Expected Publication Date: May 27, 2014

Excerpt #1
“What are we doing here?” Maya asked when we pulled up to my shop. This date was about remembering our first meeting, for her to see how I truly felt. Taking her face in my hands, I caressed her cheek with the tip of my fingers and leaned forward to ghost my lips over hers. “Where did we meet, Maya?” I asked, then waited for her reaction. She didn’t disappoint. A small smile overtook her face. “Here.” “So where else would I want our first date to be?” Maya giggled, confusing me. “This isn’t our first date, Talan.” “No? Are you sure?” She nodded, still laughing at my confused state. “I don’t remember taking you—” “Shush,” Maya placed her finger over my lips, “our first date happened right here a few months back. The same night we discussed your tattoos.” “But you said . . .” I trailed off; this having a woman shit was confusing. “I know what I said, Talan.” She sounded exasperated and all traces of humor left her features. “I asked to date, to make us official.” “Why didn’t you just say so?” I grumbled while rubbing my temples. “I did; you just heard what you wanted.” Bitty raised an eyebrow at me. “Now, feed me.” “You drive me insane.” If I didn’t care for this woman, I would strangle her. My words were met with another raised brow and a saucy smirk. “Then I’m doing something right.” I laughed at her reply. What could I say to argue that logic? She had every right to act cocky at the moment. Bitty had me by the balls and knew it. “Stay.” Turning off the engine of my truck, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Maya stayed inside, waiting on me. “Ready?” She nodded. I unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed her by the waist, and helped her down. Her small frame slithered down my body, rubbing against my hardened cock. “For you? Since we met.” “Behave.” My warning was met with defiance. Maya’s hands grabbed onto the front of my pants. She pulled me forward; my erect shaft nestled between our bodies, pushing against her stomach. “Feed me.” “Hungry?” I grunted when her right hand dipped inside my waistband. “Commando?” She moaned, ignoring my question. Maya ran the tip of her fingers around the slit, rubbing the liquid there over my swollen head. I shivered while watching, mesmerized, as she brought the glistening digits toward her lips and sucked. “Maya, please. Let’s go eat. You have to be starving.” “I am,” she whimpered, as my flavor danced over her tongue. Maya winked at me then shimmied once more against me. The head of my cock—now purple and swollen—peeked out from the waistband, searching for her touch. “Quit fucking around, Bitty.” Growling under my breath, I tucked my dick back into my pants, much to her disappointment. It’d been torture not taking her, but it was getting worse than before. We were both so close to that moment and we knew it. “I ordered in.” “Warned you; I’m hungry.” She ignored my statement and instead pulled me down to her level. Her eyes shone with emotion, deep and as pure as she was. “Don’t care about food.” Maya bit my lip, hard. “Feed me.” “Fuck.” She killed my will, my need to show her I wanted more from her than just the sweet pussy between her thighs. “First, food, and then for dessert, I’ll give you my cock,” I whispered—more a plea than a bargain—against her lips. She bit down once more and backed away, leaving my lip bruised and tingling. “Tempting.” Bitty stepped back. “Convince me.” “Okay.” I took a step forward and backed her into my truck, my fingers tangling in her hair. She opened her mouth to speak, but my finger over those succulent lips silenced her. “Quiet.” Maya whined against my hold. My hips kept her in place, taunting her, I ground my hardened length against her. “We’re going to enter my shop and enjoy all the hard work I’ve put into this date. Nod if you understand.” She did. “I want to enjoy you.” Bitty moaned at this, and swiveled her hips into me. “Feed you. Don’t take that away from me.” At those last words, a soft expression overtook her face and she stilled in my arms. She sighed. “You win.” “What was that?” I asked needing to hear her say it again. “You win.” Maya smiled and pushed me back with a gentle shove. “I want it all. You, me, and this date . . . the small talk and flirting. Maybe even another orgasm at the end of the night?” She was too cute when showing her neediness. “No more harassing me?” I gave her a playful smile. “For now.” She winked then pushed me toward the front doors of my shop. “Stop.” I turned to face her. Maya’s look was confused, but her confusion turned into that burning need I loved when she realized what I’d pulled from my pockets. “Turn around,” I demanded and she complied. She did. No questions, just obedience. I could get used to that. “I’m going to cover your eyes.” My words were met with a needy whimper. Maya pressed her body closer to mine. The heat coming off her skin seared me. “How do you expect me to behave if—” “Quiet. Not a word,” I whispered into her ear and laid a small kiss on her neck. “Just enjoy.” The small blindfold I’d pulled from my pocket dangled from my finger. Her eyes followed its movement. I wanted her to see the words etched onto the silk fabric, the ones I’d chosen just for her: Marked. It said everything I felt. Every one of my pores, every cell in my body wore her stamp—her mark. Now, she would wear mine.
Excerpt #2
I sat in that empty lot for five minutes before there was a tap at my window. It was Simon. Why the fuck was he here? Rolling down the window, I gave him my best bitch brow. “What’re you doing here?” “Save it, small fry.” He laughed and opened my door. “Boss man just left, and my boss demanded I retrieve you. It’s a preventive decoy.” My expression must’ve matched my thoughts: I’m not following. “If Talan sees you and Esther walking toward the shop, he’ll know something’s up,” Simon explained while shoving a bag at me. I looked inside the bag and arched the brow at him again. “What’s up with the wig?” “Simple. You and Esther have a very distinct hair color and that solves one problem. If we happen to see him, I’ll pull you in closer and he’ll think its Esther getting her fix.” I smiled: Now this made sense. “Good job, young grasshopper. I’m impressed.” Simon flipped me off with an amused grin on his face. “You’re perfect for him, you know?” “He’s perfect for me,” I amended and grabbed his offered hand. The long coat I was wearing prevented him from seeing anything. Fucker still waggled his brow the moment my high-heeled shoes came into view, though. “Talan’s in for one hell of a night.” Simon bit his lip. “I’m happy for him, but dammit, I wish you girls would’ve let us in on this. ‘Moody fucker’ is the nicest way to describe what he’s been like since he found out he was booked tonight.” “I know.” Simon mock-glared at my giggle. “I’m sorry, but all this was necessary. He’s going to—pardon my crudeness—blow his load the moment he realizes what’s about to happen.” “That he is.” He laughed and walked me back toward the parlor. We made it there without incident. Simon stopped in front of the back door, “This is where I leave you, ma’am. Esther has everything else set up. It’ll be you and him once you walk through that door.” “Thanks, Simon.” I pulled him in for a tight hug then watched him stroll off. The nerves were starting to take a hold of me again. Would Talan like this? Who was I kidding? Of course he would. That man has wanted nothing more than to lay his stamp, his creation, on my skin for months. Opening the door, I heard soft music playing in the distance. It made me smile. Our playlist, the one I’d created for just this purpose, played through the store’s speakers. My feet carried me forward. His office door was closed, all the lights off except for his private room—it was lit. Candles and low-lighting illuminated every inch of space. Perfect. Talan’s station was set up: only black ink on his table, gun, needles, cups, cleaning solution and towels … Lying in his chair was my folder, open with the stencil of his design atop the rest. It was a reminder of how he saw me. His equal. His other half. With shaking fingers, I opened my coat and let it fall to the floor. Beneath the fabric I had worn nothing. This was my gift to him. The flesh he admired and made come alive with just the tone of his voice. Bending at the waist, I picked up my coat and carried it to just outside of his door—and dropped it there. Let him find it. Find me.

About the Author
1503539_601803483236538_370633924_nElena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would. As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and letting her characters grow.
Connect with Elena M. Reyes!

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