Thursday, February 14, 2019

#CoverReReveal #Review: Over the Fence by Melanie Moreland

Presents : Cover Re-Reveal

Over the Fence
by Melanie Moreland

Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Two neighbors -- strangers -- with one thing in common -- they share a fence.

But is that the only thing they share?

Nathan Fraser lives a solitary life, never letting anyone get too close. It's safer that way.

Kourtney Whyte hides from the world and behind her work, too afraid to really live her life to the fullest. Rejection is what she knows best.

But one night, the sound of her soft voice and the tantalizing aroma of her evening meal, prove too enticing for Nathan to ignore.

So begins their unconventional relationship -- talking, learning, texting, and gradually opening up to one another, all over the fence.

That is, until the day Nathan braves the high fence to protect Kourtney from her past, and chances everything forever.

Can they move forward together, without the buffer of the fence?

Or will their pasts prove to be too much of a barrier?

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This book was such a sweet surprise. It's one of those stories that grabs your attention and won't let go.

Nathan and Kourtney are neighbors but really didn't know each other, until one day when they start communicating over the fence between their houses. What develops is a beautiful, sincere friendship full of humor and healing for both characters. Nathan has some scars from his past and Kourtney doesn't really see the beauty that lies within so without knowing it they are helping each other to become the people they were always meant to be.

Melanie nurtures two characters to the realization that they were made for each other, she wrote a sensual story I believe without even realizing it, and Nathan and Kourtney are so full of heart and soul that they make every page of this book simply joyful.

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