Thursday, May 14, 2015

Release Day #giveaway #review: The Diary of Bink Cummings Volume III by Bink Cummings

Title: The Diary of Bink Cummings Volume 3
Series: MC Chronicles 
Author: Bink Cummings
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Must read: The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol 1 & 2 previously.

Tests, life is full of them. The world is constantly putting you through them to see how much you can take before you break. Before you are no longer who you are. Before your world dissolves around you. How long you can stay strong and overcome the obstacles.

It's no secret that Big and I butt heads. It's no secret that I not only dislike my mother, I hate her because she hates me. But can these people break me? Can they push me to the edge of insanity, ready to jump? 

Having stayed and moved in with Big, I was living the life I never even knew I wanted. Every day was filled with promise, warmth and unconditional love. Until the day, it wasn't. Until the day it all changed and I quickly learned what I'm made of, thanks to the truths behind many years of painful secrets. 

It only took a single day for my world to never be the same. One day to change me forever. One day for revelations. One day I'll never forget......

Steamy Adult romance
Warning: Contains Mature scenarios, and mass quantities of profanity. For Ages 18+

-This is not a Stand alone.

$2.99 Sale for ONLY 10 Days!

Oh Big, how I love your OTT attitude, your overprotective actions for your Bunk, and the way you can make a woman wish she could have you all to herself. I have loved you since book 1 and now that I'm on book 3 I am just besotted with you.
In this third installment we find that although our couple are together at long last, Bink isn't so sure she wants to just hand over her whole heart to Big.  Since she already knows that he is going to crush her if he strays to another woman, from past experience with him she knows just how real the possibility of him cheating could be, specially now that she is having problems with her pregnancy. So she continues to refuse to tell Big what he is longing most to hear, but does this stop our 6ft8 prez from making her feel special, reassuring her everyday how much she means to him, how beautiful and sexy he finds her? No, it only makes him try that much more harder.
But he does do something, or starts to do something. And when I first read the beginning of that scene, I was like Oh Hell No!! Big, you better not, she won't stand for it man, back the hell up and think about what you are doing, but in true Big fashion he does it anyway, not all the way, just enough to hurt Bink one more time. But man, can this alphalicious man grovel when he messes up.
Bink and Big face multiple challenges in this book, and some of the answers are finally revealed, like why Big paid Lindy Sue off to keep Bink with him and why Lindy Sue was so cruel to Bink. We also get to see a new side of Big that broke my heart and had me ready to slap Bink and tell her to just tell the poor baby how much she loves him. 
Somehow Ms Cummings is able to write her scenes and put the reader smack in the middle of the action, making them feel like they're part of the happenings. As a reader I just want to just jump in and make all things better for these two people who are well and truly soul mates.
This book is the best in the series in my humble opinion, and I loved the first two, but this one was plain and simply awesome. I can't wait to get the next installment which is going to be from Big's POV.
*** Review by Tammy ***

Author Bink Cummings was born and raised part of an MC family. Upon the incessant coercion from her sacred sisters, she has begun her newest journey in life--writing. When she's not shacked up in her home, writing at all hours of the night, Bink enjoys riding motorcycles, taking care of her extensive roughneck family, and cooking huge meals. Especially her infamous chocolate chip cookies.

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